

In March of 2023, SPIA joined GAPs, a research project exploring the topic of return migration. Funded within the EU’s Horizon program, the project is conducting a comprehensive study of return policies and practices with a focus on international cooperation. SPIA is helping the project develop its communications capacities within the policy realm. Our consortium brings together 17 partner institutions. We are conducting research in 12 countries in Europe, Africa and the broader Middle East.  The project is scheduled to run through February 2026.

SPIA was responsible for the communication and dissemination activities of the EU-funded research project GREASE (Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives). The four-year project, which ran through September 2022, delivered innovative thinking on secularisation and radicalisation and offered insights for governance of religious diversity.

SPIA was responsible for media communications and stakeholder engagement in Odysseus II, a pan-European research contest that aimed to foster interest in space sciences among European youth. Funded through Horizon 2020 (the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation) the project was implemented by 14 partners who included six national space agencies. The contest was run on three levels, involving students at primary schools, secondary schools and universities. There were three phases of competition - national, regional and European – with the final awards handed out at the end of 2017.

From 2011 to 2014 SPIA  was a partner (beneficiary) in two EU-funded consortia: Flash-IT, a dissemination project emphasising policy-relevance in SSH research; and CONSIDER, a research project developing guidelines for integration of civil society organisations into research. 

Both projects were in the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) theme of the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). 

In 2012 SPIA accepted an invitation to join VISION RD4SD as an observer. The FP7 action united European science funding bodies in a quest to develop a shared vision of how R&D can best serve sustainable development.

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SPIA’s director was a key contributor to the EU-funded SCOOP project. Terry wrote scores of articles about SSH research projects for SCOOP's news service and taught quarterly communications masterclasses for researchers in Brussels.

Terry has also served on the advisory boards of multiple EU-funded research projects including: ACCEPT Pluralism, an FP7 project investigating tolerance, pluralism and social cohesion in 14 EU Member States plus Turkey; and Identities and Modernities in Europe, an FP-7 effort investigating European identities (what they are, how they formed, what trajectories they are taking) in seven EU Member States plus Turkey and Croatia.

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